Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Searching In, Reaching Out

Behold, The Pile: the squares go with the chevron, the girly quilt is awaiting quilting, the shades-of-sand will be a gift for my sister, and see the start of a Summersville top?

Now, let me tell you why my energy is otherwise engaged, and why my pile Keeps Not Shrinking.

I hope and pray you will accept this in the spirit that I am sharing it.

I live in Israel. We chose to move here, because we believe it is the best place for our family to be, to grow, to give, to connect, to live.

Right now, today, we are at war. It is more devastating than I can describe.

This week I have been thinking, praying, and connecting to just a few people about my overwhelming feelings of loss. While the war has been pounding down on both sides of the border, I am trying to find my voice, and be brave, and true. 

Here are my not-so-grand conclusions: that there can be no "us" and "them"; there can only be "we", we humans, each of us set down on this green earth for one brief and precious season.

And that I will not achieve peace, nor help spread it, with gentle thoughts. I have to seek it actively and create it mindfully in my own life.

I would like to reach out and beg a favour from each of you: to add something to your life that increases your peace or peace in the world, or that reaches out to others in peace.

Here are a few ideas:
Learn to meditate.
Pray for our leaders to seek peace in their hearts.
Read "Whoever You Are" by Mem Fox to your children.
Create a family peace ritual.
This week, or next, visit someone in hospital, volunteer in a soup kitchen, sit with a friend.
Join an organisation or support a charity that is encouraging positive change in the world.
Read "Knitting into the Mystery" by Jorgensen and Izard, and start a meditative stitching circle.
Keep a gratitude journal.

Cultivate peace. Put it front and centre. Tell us how you did it.
I thank you, sincerely, and with my whole heart.

Linking up with Freshly Pieced.


zeesel nechama said...

Classic elisheva! So inspiring! Whenever I make challah I say a special prayer for each of the local rabbis to lead with wisdom and then for the community and then am, Torah, and eretz yisrael and them the world and then mashiach! It is very cathartic. Miss you and love you and am praying for peace!!!

Brenda Ganot said...

Beautifully written Elisheva. I also pray for G-d to give insight and wisdom to our leaders so they will follow the best path.

I have heard such extreme positions in the past week regarding "us" and "them" that it's scary.

Thanks for sharing your blog!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I read this post yesterday and have pondered overnight what to say. I don't think I can put it into words. I pray for peace and wisdom, not only from world leaders, but on an individual basis. I love your suggestions. Thank you SO much for reaching out in this way. I know it couldn't have been easy.

Chez Roo said...

This is a beautiful post, especially given that the circumstances are so divisive.

Karen@littlebirdiequilting said...

I wish you well, and also wish that everyone could live together in peace. Thankyou for your post.

Lynette said...

Hi, Elisheva - I'm so sorry you're having to live in war. I visited Israel four times in my youth, and I loved it. My family and I, like you, work for camaraderie, understanding, and acceptance rather than falling into the "us" and "them" mentality. You've recommended some very nice books. And thank you for the prod to actively do something for our community.

P.S. I love your quilt projects there. :)

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Beautifully written and I agree with your sentiments. I don't always keep up with my gratitude journal but I am consciously grateful everyday. Even my son is happy when it rains because he knows it makes the flowers grow!
Gorgeous projects you are working on too.
(i jumped over from Live A Colorful Life!)

Michelle said...

I am so thankful that Cindy, Live a Colorful Life, directed me to your blog. Your words are so powerful and inspiring. My prayers are with you all daily. I love your ideas, and plan to start a gratitude journal on this Thanksgiving Day. Another one of my quilty friends has a Thankful Friday post on her blog, http://terrisnotebook.wordpress.com/, each Friday. I love how she takes a moment each week to reflect on the many things to be thankful for. Once again, prayers being sent!

Carla said...

Praying for you today.

Debbie said...

Glad I read your post today - a good reminder of important things. Blessings to you & all of us as we pray and work for peace...

Mama Pea said...

What a nice post. Thanks for these ideas to consider. I have a student (I teach at a university) from Israel, so what is going on in your country has been close to my heart right now as well. I also have friends there. Thanks for giving us some ideas of things we can do in our own little way.

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

Beautiful post and great reminders. Thank you!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Beautifully written xx

Linda in Arkansas said...

I've been thinking about your country quite a bit as I watched the news, (I didn't realize you lived there). I was relived to tell of the cease fire. Yes, I agree with you and I've been thinking along the same lines.